This site contains some 869 items of content. Here is a list of all of them, sorted by their title. The tags provide a better way of exploring the content by their subject or nature.
Instead of restricting AI and algorithms, make them explainable
A Cherry Picker's Guide to Doctor Who
A Guide to Threat Modelling for Developers
A Language Workbench in Action - MPS
A Proof-of-Concept of BigQuery
APIs should not be copyrightable
Abundant Mutation
Academic Rotation
Access Modifier
Accounting Patterns
Activity Oriented
Aggregate Oriented Database
Aggregation And Composition
Agile Australia 2010
Agile Book Club: Refactoring
Agile Brazil Interview
Agile Certification
Agile Handover
Agile Imposition
Agile Manifesto Authors' 10 year anniversary reunion
Agile Manifesto Meeting
Agile Signatory
Agile Versus Lean
Agile at 10
Agilists and Architects: Allies not Adversaries
Aliasing Bug
Alienating Atmosphere
Alignment Map
Alpha Geek
Alt.NET Conf
Amalfi Coast
An Appropriate Use of Metrics
An Open Letter to Pearson about SOPA/PIPA
An example of LLM prompting for programming
An example of preparatory refactoring
Analysis Patterns
Andaman Islands
Anecdotal Evidence
Anemic Domain Model
Anti Pattern
Appeal To Authority
Application Boundary
Application Database
Application Facades
Assertion Free Testing
Asset Capture
Atom Feeds
Avoiding Repetition
Avoiding Video
Ball And Socket
Beck Design Rules
Before Clarity
Belkin Kvm Linux
Beyond Software Architecture
Big Screen
Bimodal IT
Bitemporal History
Blue Green Deployment
Boiled Carrot
Book Code
Born for it
Bounded Context
Branch By Abstraction
Brass Birmingham becomes #1 on BoardGameGeek
Broad Stack Test
Build Language
Building Architect
Building Boba AI
Building Infrastructure Platforms
Business Capability Centric
Business Facing Test
Business Readable DSL
C- Refactory
Call Super
Canadian Workshop on Scaling XP/Agile Methods
Canary Release
Cannot Measure Productivity
Canon 60D
Canon S90
Catalog of Patterns of Distributed Systems
Catastrophic Failover
Certification Competence Correlation
Changes for the 2nd Edition of Refactoring
Changes in UML Versions
Charity Code Jam
Cheaper Talent Hypothesis
Circuit Breaker
Class Instance Variable
Clock Wrapper
Cloud Computing
Cobol Inference
Code As Documentation
Code Examples
Code Ownership
Code Smell
Collection Pipeline
Collections On Class Diagrams
Command Oriented Interface
Command Query Separation
Communal Dashboard
Comparative Values
Compliance in a DevOps Culture
Component Test
Components and the World of Chaos
Composed Regex
Computational Notebook
Configuration Synchronization
Constructor Initialization
Consumer-Driven Contracts: A Service Evolution
Contextual Validation
Continuous Delivery
Continuous Delivery
Continuous Delivery
Continuous Delivery Guide
Continuous Delivery for Machine Learning
Continuous Design
Continuous Flow
Continuous Integration
Continuous Integration
Continuous Integration Certification
Continuous Integration with Visual C++ and COM
Contract Test
Contradictory Observations
Conversational Stories
Conway's Law
Coping with Covid-19
Coping with Covid-19, part 2
Coup 53
Courtesy Implementation
Craftmanship And The Crevasse
Creating an integrated business and technology strategy
Cross Platform Mobile
Crossing Refactoring's Rubicon
Currency As Value
Customer Affinity
Customer Loyalty Software
Cycle Time
D D D_ Aggregate
DIP in the Wild
DSL Catalog
DSL interview with Neal Ford and Jeffery Snover (JAOO
Dark Launching
Data Access Routines
Data Clump
Data Fetching Patterns in Single-Page Applications
Data Lake
Data Management Guide
Data Mesh Accelerate Workshop
Data Mesh Principles and Logical Architecture
Data Models
Database And Build Time
Database Styles
Database Thaw
Dealing With Roles
Dealing with Properties
Debian Java
Decentralizing the Practice of Architecture at Xapo Bank
Decorated Command
Decreed Stories
Default Trial Retire
Defining the UML Kernel
Definition Of Refactoring
Demo Front-End
Democratic Political Technology Revolution
Dependency And Association
Dependency Composition
Deployment Pipeline
Derived Information
Design Payoff Line
Design Stamina Hypothesis
Design to Accommodate Change
Designed Inheritance
Dev Ops Culture
Developing Patterns in Enterprise Software
Diff Debugging
Digital SLR
Directing Attitude
Diversity Imbalance
Diversity Mediocrity Illusion
Does My Bus Look Big in This?
Domain Driven Design
Domain Logic and SQL
Domain Specific Language
Domain Specific Languages
Domain-Oriented Observability
Dominion Second Edition
Don't Compare Averages
Don't get locked up into avoiding lock-in
Don't put data science notebooks into production
Don’t start with a monolith
Dot Voting
Dsl Boundary
Dsl Exceptionalism
Dsl Migration
Duck Interface
Duplex Book
Dynamic Type Check
Dynamic Typing
Eager Read Derivation
Early Pain
Editing Publishing Separation
Eliminating Sales Commissions
Embedded Document
Embedment Helper
Enabling Attitude
Encapsulated Collection
Engineering Practices for LLM Application Development
Engineering Room Conversation with Dave Farley
Enterprise Application
Enterprise Architects Join the Team
Enterprise Architecture
Enterprise Integration Patterns
Enterprise Integration Using REST
Enterprise Rails
Enterprise Transforming Projects That Don't Kill the
Eradicating Non-Determinism in Tests
Errant Architectures
Erratic Test Failure
Estimated Interest
Etymology Of Refactoring
Evaluating Ruby
Evans Classification
Event Poster
Evolutionary Database Design
Evolutionary S O A
Evolving Publication
Evolving a Mobile Implementation Strategy
Exploratory Testing
Exploring Generative AI
Exploring Mastodon
Expositional Architecture
Expression Builder
Extemporary Speaking
Extreme Presentation
Extreme Programming
Fail Fast
Farewell John Kordyback
Feature Branch
Feature Devotion
Feature Flag
Feature Toggles (aka Feature Flags)
Fine Detail
First Law
Five Midsummer Nights
Five Pound Bag
Fixed Length String
Fixed Price
Fixed Scope Mirage
Flaccid Scrum
Flag Argument
Flexible Antlr Generation
Fluent Interface
Focusing on Events
Focusing on Events
Foreword to Building Evolutionary Architectures
Forging a New Alliance
Foundation Platform
Frequency Reduces Difficulty
Function As Object
Function Length
Functional Staff Organization
GUI Architectures
GUI Architectures
Gang Of Four
Garmin Oregon 600 - a brief review
Generating Code for DSLs
Getter Eradicator
Given When Then
Google I/O Talk on Cloud
Goto Amsterdam Keynote
Goto Fail, Heartbleed, and Unit Testing Culture
Governing data products using fitness functions
Groovy or JRuby
H P_ N36 L
Half Size Composition
Harvested Platform
Header Interface
Headless Component: a pattern for composing React UIs
Heathrow Hotel
Heavy Cardboard
Heavy Cardboard Review of Brass Birmingham
Hello Antlr
Hello Cup
Hello Racc
Hello Sablecc
Hexagonal Architecture and Rails
Hidden Precision
Hierarchic Data Model
Historically Discriminated Against
History Is Not Bunk
History Of Iterative Development
Hollywood Principle
Hot Rod
How .NET's Custom Attributes Affect Design
How I use Twitter
How Standard is Standard UML?
How platform teams get stuff done
How to Move Beyond a Monolithic Data Lake to a Distributed Data
How to break a Monolith into Microservices
How to do effective video calls
How to extract a data-rich service from a monolith
How to manage a program in a product-mode organization
Huffpost live panel on "The Brogrammer Effect"
Humane Interface
Humane Registry
Humble Object
Ideal Time
Illustrative Programming
Immutable Server
Implicit Interface Implementation
Improvement Ravine
In Memory Test Database
Include And Extend
Incremental Migration
InfoQ Interview with Jez and me on Continuous
Infrastructure As Code
Installing Debian
Integration Database
Integration Test
Intelli Csharp
Intentional Software
Interface Implementation Pair
Internal Dsl Style
Internal Reprogrammability
Interview with
Interview with Kent Beck and Martin Fowler on Extreme
Interview with Sam Newman about Microservices
Interviewed by Jim Highsmith
Introduction to NoSQL
Inversion Of Control
Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection
Is Agile For All
Is Changing Interfaces Refactoring
Is Declaration Ordering Refactoring
Is Design Dead?
Is Fixing An Unknown Bug Refactoring
Is High Quality Software Worth the Cost?
Is Optimization Refactoring
Is TDD Dead?
Is there such a thing as Object Oriented Analysis?
It's Different with Data
It's Not Just Standing Up: Patterns for Daily Standup Meetings
JAOO 2005
JRuby Velocity
Javascript Promise
John Vlissides
Junit New Instance
Keeping Software Soft
Key Points from NoSQL Distilled
Keynote at Agile Development Conference
Keynote for RailsConf 2006
Keyring Laptop
Keystone Interface
Kinesis Advantage2 - Review after three years of use
Language For Learning Objects
Language Workbench
Language Workbench Readings
Language Workbenches and Model Driven Architecture
Language Workbenches: The Killer-App for Domain Specific Languages?
Language-Oriented Programming and Language
Large Agile Projects
Law Of Demos
Lay Programmer
Layering Principles
Lazy Initialization
Leadership Divide
Lean Inception
Legacy Modernization meets GenAI
Legacy Seam
Limitations Of General Advice
Linking Modular Architecture to Development Teams
List And Hash
Local D T O
Local Variables In Class Diagrams
Lock In Cost
MDA: Revenge of the Modelers or UML Utopia?
Machine Justification
Magellan Meridian Gps
Making Stubs
Manifesto for Agile Software Development
Maturity Model
Maximizing Developer Effectiveness
Measuring Developer Productivity via Humans
Media Server
Memory Image
Mercurial Squash Commit
Meta Programming System
Meta-Introduction to Domain Specific Languages
Metaphoric Questioning
Micro Frontends
Microservice Premium
Microservice Prerequisites
Microservice Trade-Offs
Microservices Guide
Microservices Talk
Microservices and the First Law of Distributed
Mike Mason and I talk about Feature Branching
Mind the platform execution gap
Minimal Interface
Mocks Aren't Stubs
Model Driven Architecture
Model Driven Software Development
Modeling with a Sense of Purpose
Modern Mocking Tools and Black Magic
Modifiability: Or is there Design in Agility
Modularizing React Applications with Established UI Patterns
Module Assembly
Monolith First
More Version Control
Motion Graphics
Moving Away From Xslt
Moving To Nokogiri
Multiple Canonical Models
Multiple Desktops
Multiple Mobiles
Multiplicity Not Cardinality
Musings on Ebooks
Muted spaghetti line charts with R's ggplot2
My Book Colophon
My favorite musical discoveries of 2020
My favorite musical discoveries of 2021
My favorite musical discoveries of 2022
My favorite musical discoveries of 2023
Nashville Project
Net Nastiness
Network Data Model
No Silver Bullet Reloaded
NoSQL Distilled
Nosql Definition
Not Just Code Monkeys (OOP 2014)
Object Mother
Objects And Iteration
Observable State
Observed Requirement
On Pair Programming
On the Diverse And Fantastical Shapes of Testing
Once Upona Time In The West
One Language
One Line of Code that Compromises Your Server
Onsite Customer
Open Inheritance
Open Intellectual Property
Open Source Research
Open Space
Opportunistic Refactoring
Organization Structures (Accountability)
Organizing Presentation Logic
Original Strangler Fig Application
Orm Hate
Our Responsibility to Defeat Mass Surveillance
Outcome Oriented
Outcome Over Output
Output Build Target
Overloaded Getter Setter
Package Customization
Page Object
Pair Programming
Pair Programming Misconceptions
Parallel Change
Parser Fear
Pattern Share
Pattern: Gateway
Patterns Are Nothing New
Patterns for Accounting
Patterns for Managing Source Code Branches
Patterns for things that change with time
Patterns of Distributed Systems
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
Patterns of Legacy Displacement
Pedestal Phobia
Pending Head
People Matter Most
People Oriented
Periodic Face-to-Face
Perspectives on DSLs with Chris Sells
Pervasive Versioning
Phoenix Server
Planning Extreme Programming
Planning and Running an XP Iteration
Platform Building
Platform Independent Malapropism
Playlist of my talks on YouTube
Pleasing The Customer
Podcast on Agility and Architecture
Polyglot Persistence
Post Modern Programming
Pourquoi, pas comment
Prefer Design Skills
Prefer Functional Staff Organization
Premature Ramp Up
Presentation Domain Data Layering
Presentation Domain Separation
Presentation Smells
Priming Prime Directive
Principles of XP
Privacy Enhancing Technologies: An Introduction for
Privacy Protects Bothersome People
Privacy on the internet
Probabilistic Illiteracy
Product-Service Partnerships
Products Over Projects
Projectional Editing
Protected Data
Protected Variation: The Importance of Being Closed
Provide Service Stub
Public Csharp Fields
Public versus Published Interfaces
Published Interface
Pull Request
Purpose Of Estimation
QA in Production
Question Time Panel
Race for the Galaxy and San Juan
RailsConf 2007
Reckoning with the force of Conway's Law
Recollections of Writing the Agile Manifesto
Recurring Event in Calendars
Reducing Coupling
Refactoring Boundary
Refactoring Code to Load a Document
Refactoring Cringely
Refactoring Databases
Refactoring Guide
Refactoring HTML
Refactoring Malapropism
Refactoring Module Dependencies
Refactoring Photran
Refactoring Ruby Edition
Refactoring a JavaScript video store
Refactoring code that accesses external services
Refactoring to Patterns
Refactoring to an Adaptive Model
Refactoring with Loops and Collection Pipelines
Refactoring: Doing Design After the Program Runs
Refactoring: This class is too large
Refinement Code Review
Reflection vs Code Generation
Relational Data Model
Remote versus Co-located Work
Replacing Throwing Exceptions with Notification in Validations
Reporting Database
Reproducible Build
Request Stream Map
Required Interface
Resource Pool
Restoring a deleted note in Apple's notes app
Retrospectives Antipatterns
Revitalizing Enterprise Software
Richardson Maturity Model
Rigorous Agile
Role Interface
Roller Skate Implementation
Roy sells Thoughtworks
Roys Social Experiment
Rss Feeds
Ruby Annotations
Ruby Microsoft
Ruby People
Ruby Ploticus
Ruby Rogues Podcast on Refactoring
Ruby Rogues episode discussing P of EAA
Ruby at Thoughtworks
Rule Of Tincture
Rules Engine
SE Radio Podcast on Agile Database Development
SE Radio Podcast on Domain-Specific Languages
Sacrificial Architecture
Savannah Charleston
Scaling the Practice of Architecture, Conversationally
Schemaless Data Structures
Schools Of Software Development
Scope Limbering
Security And Design
Segmentation By Freshness
Segregated DOM
Selecting a Mobile Implementation Strategy
Self Encapsulation
Self Initializing Fake
Self Testing Code
Semantic Conflict
Semantic Diff
Semantic Diffusion
Separating User Interface Code
Serverless Architectures
Service Custodian
Service Design Patterns
Service Oriented Ambiguity
Setter Initialization
Setting up a ruby development VM with Vagrant, Chef, and
Shifting To Code Ownership
Ship / Show / Ask
Should social media dampen uncertain stories?
Shu Ha Ri
Signature Series Criteria
Singing Detective
Site Report for 2018
Smalltalk Books
Smut On Rails
Snow Leopard
Snowflake Server
Social Networks
Software And Engineering
Software Architecture Hour with Neal Ford: The Future of
Software Component
Software Development Attitude
Software Patent
Software and Obama's Victory
Sony a6000 with 16-70mm lens
Source Editing
Specification By Example
Spreading Incrementalism
Standard Story Points
Standards Speak
State Of Dev Ops Report
Static Substitution
Status Report for at the end 2014
Stepping Back from Speaking
Sticky Timeline
Story Counting
Story Point
Story Test
Strangler Fig
Subcutaneous Test
Suite Of Talks
Sunk Cost Driven Architecture
Syntactic Noise
Synthetic Monitoring
Talk Notes
Talk: 3.years.of(:ruby)
Talk: A Conversation about Hexagonal Rails
Talk: Agile Architecture
Talk: Agile Essence and Fluency
Talk: Agile Manifesto: 10 years later
Talk: Agilists and Architects: Allies not Adversaries
Talk: An Enterprise Cumulonimbus?
Talk: An Introduction to Language-Oriented Programming
Talk: Architecture without Architects
Talk: Continuous Delivery
Talk: Continuous Delivery (YOW 2011)
Talk: Cultivating Architecture
Talk: Does my bus look big in this?
Talk: Economics of Software Design
Talk: Event Sourcing
Talk: Evolving a Mobile Implementation Strategy
Talk: Forging a New Alliance
Talk: Infrastructure as Code
Talk: Interview: Privacy on the Internet
Talk: Introduction to NoSQL
Talk: Is TDD Dead?
Talk: Making Architecture Matter
Talk: Microservices
Talk: NoSQL and Consistency
Talk: Non-Determinism and Testing
Talk: Not Just Code Monkeys
Talk: Our Responsibility to Defeat Mass Surveillance
Talk: Practices for an Agile Codebase
Talk: Retake on the Agile Manifesto
Talk: Schemaless
Talk: Technology in the Obama Campaign
Talk: The Evolving Panorama of Data
Talk: The Many Meanings of Event-Driven Architecture
Talk: The Yawning Crevasse of Doom"
Talk: The elephant in the architecture
Talk: What Does Tech Excellence Look Like?
Talk: Why Agile Software Works
Talk: Workflows of Refactoring
Talks on schemalessness, consistency in NoSQL, and economics
of software design
Team Room
Team Topologies
Technical Debt
Technical Debt Quadrant
Technical Staff Organization
Tell Dont Ask
Temporal Patterns
Test Cancer
Test Coverage
Test Double
Test Driven Development
Test Invariant
Test Pyramid
Test-Driving HTML Templates
Testing Asynchronous JavaScript
Testing Language
Testing Methods: The Ugly Duckling
Testing Resource Pools
Testing Strategies in a Microservice Architecture
The Agile Fluency Model
The Almighty Thud
The Architect Elevator — Visiting the upper floors
The Architecture of Gap Inc's SCMS
The Architecture of the Morrison's OrderPad
The Basics of Web Application Security
The Death of Goldman Sachs
The Difference between Marketecture and Tarchitecture
The Elephant in the Architecture
The Evolving Panorama of Data
The Evolving Role of Data in Software Development
The Future is not NoSQL but Polyglot Persistence
The LMAX Architecture
The Lies that can Undermine Democracy
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development - an early
The Most Important Design Guideline?
The New Methodology
The People vs. NoSQL Databases: Panel Discussion
The Practical Test Pyramid
The Rise of Test Impact Analysis
The Role of an Enterprise Architect in a Lean
The Second Edition of "Refactoring"
The State of Agile Software in 2018
The Test Bus Imperative
The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage
The XP 2000 Conference
The XP 2002 Conference
The Yawning Crevasse of Doom
The strong and weak forces of architecture
Thinking about Big Data
Thoughts writing a Google App script
Thoughtworks 2005
Thoughtworks China
Thoughtworks Technology Radar FAQ
Thoughtworks UK
Three Pillars
Three Years of Real-World Ruby
Three reasons a liberal arts degree helped me succeed in
Threshold Test
Thrown Estimate
Thunderbolt Display
Time Zone Uncertainty
Timeboxed Iterations
To Be Explicit
Tolerant Reader
Tor for Technologists
Touch File
Toyota Failings
Tradable Quality Hypothesis
Trans Media Application
Transparent Compilation
Travel Clothing
Two Hard Things
Two Pizza Team
Two Stack CMS
Type Instance Homonym
Typed Collection
U Pod
UML Diagrams for Analysis Patterns
UML Distilled
Ubiquitous Language
Ui Patterns Readings
Uml Activity Diagram
Uml As Blueprint
Uml As Notes
Uml As Programming Language
Uml As Sketch
Uml Mode
Uml Sketching Tools
Uncovering the Seams in Mainframes for Incremental
Unforgiven Contract
Uniform Access Principle
Unit Test
Unwanted Modeling Language
Use Case
Use Cases And Stories
Use Of Xml
Use and Abuse Cases
User Defined Field
User Journey Test
User Story
Using ChatGPT as a technical writing assistant
Using Footnotes
Using Metadata
Using a command line script to export from OmniGraffle
Using an Agile Software Process with Offshore
Using the Rake Build Language
Using the Strangler Fig with Mobile Apps
Utility Vs Strategic Dichotomy
Value Object
Variations on a Theme of XP
Vcs Survey
Version Control Tools
Very Low Defect Project
Video: Introduction to Domain Specific Languages
Visual Channel
Viticulture and The Gallerist
Vote Against Trump, Again
Voting Machines
Waterfall Process
What Does a Technical Author Look Like?
What I Talk About When I Talk About Platforms
What Is Failure
What Isa Bliki
What It's Like to Work at...Thoughtworks
What do you mean by “Event-Driven”?
What if we rotate pairs every day?
What's a Model For?
When to Make a Type
Who Needs an Architect?
Wikipedia Death
Workflows of Refactoring
Workflows of Refactoring (OOP 2014)
Writing Software Patterns
Writing The Agile Manifesto
Writing with XML
Xp Velocity
Yesterdays Weather
Yet Another Optimization Article
You Can't Buy Integration
Your Coffee Shop Does Not Use Two-Phase Commit
Your organization should run its own Mastodon server
goto Aarhus 2011
goto Aarhus 2012
xUnit Test Patterns