tagged by: podcast

Growing the Development Forest

Luca Rossi hosts a podcast (and newsletter) called Refactoring, so it's obvious that we have some interests in common. The tile comes from me leaning heavily on Beth Anders-Beck and Kent Beck's metaphor of The Forest and The Desert. We talk about the impact of AI on software development, the metaphor of technical debt, and the current state of agile software development.

by Martin Fowler

24 Jan 2025

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Interview on Book Overflow

I was interviewed on the Book Overflow podcast about the Refactoring book. We talked about the origins of the book, the relationship between refactoring, testing, and extreme programming, how refactoring is used in the wild, and the role of books and long-form prose today.

by Martin Fowler

3 Oct 2024

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Recollections of Writing the Agile Manifesto

The Agile Uprising podcast has been doing a series of interviews with the authors of the Agile Manifesto. This is my turn in the interview seat. I don't remember much about the Snowbird workshop itself, but I was able to describe a bit about the context leading up to the manifesto.

Agile Uprising and Martin Fowler

13 Feb 2017

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agile interviews podcast computer history

Podcast on Agility and Architecture

Ryan Lockard (Agile Uprising) invited me to join Rebecca Wirfs-Brock for a podcast conversation on architecture on agile projects. Rebecca developed Responsibility-Driven Design, which was a big influence for me when I started my career. We talked about how we define architecture, the impact of tests on architecture, the role of domain models, what kind of documentation to prepare, and how much architecture needs to be done up-front.

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Ryan Lockard, and Martin Fowler

15 May 2017

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agile interviews application architecture documentation podcast

Ruby Rogues Podcast on Refactoring

The Ruby Rogues is a popular podcast on programming in the Ruby world. They invited me back to discuss the Ruby edition of Refactoring. We talked about the definition of refactoring, why we find we don't use debuggers much, what might be done to modernize the book, the role of refactoring tools, whether comments can be used for good, the trade-off between refactoring and rewriting, modularity and microservices, and how the software industry has changed over the last twenty years.

by Martin Fowler

22 Oct 2014

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refactoring ruby podcast

Ruby Rogues episode discussing P of EAA

The Ruby Rogues are a popular podcast where a regular panel discusses topics in the Ruby programming community. They have a regular book club and recently selected P of EAA as their featured book. Consequently they asked me to appear as a guest on their show to discuss the book and the patterns that it describes, in particular the interesting relationship between these patterns and the Rails framework.

by Martin Fowler

20 Mar 2013

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design application architecture ruby podcast

SE Radio Podcast on Agile Database Development

Pramod Sadalge led the development of agile database techniques which we now use habitually at Thoughtworks. SE Radio interviews us about how we use these techniques to evolve the design of a database iteratively together with applications that use it. We discuss how to incorporate databases into a Continuous Integration system, how to make database changes through repeatable scripted migrations, and how database refactoring works.

Pramod Sadalge and Martin Fowler

1 Jun 2012

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database podcast

SE Radio Podcast on Domain-Specific Languages

I'm joined by Thoughtworks CTO Rebecca Parsons, who was a contributer to the DSL book, to talk with Markus Völter about DSLs. We talk about what DSLs are, the differences between internal and external DSLs, and when you should (and shouldn't use DSLs).

Rebecca Parsons, Martin Fowler, and Markus Völter

26 Jan 2012

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language workbench interviews domain specific language podcast

Heavy Cardboard Review of Brass Birmingham

Brass Birmingham is a modern board game where players build up an industrial empire of coal mines, breweries, and railways in the industrial revolution. Edward and I do a detailed review of the game: assessing its weight, reviewing the components, and outlining what we like about the game. The podcast begins with a general chat of our recent gaming experiences, and I talk a bit about my background in gaming - the actual review starts at 1:16.

by Edward Uhler and Martin Fowler

9 Sep 2019

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podcast board games

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