tagged by: dictionary

Alpha Geek

The term alpha geek, has got most of its currency through a talk and online essay by Tim O'Reilly. In this talk he says that by watching what alpha geeks are doing you get a sense of what the future is like for the technology industry as a whole.

by Martin Fowler

30 May 2007

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(Here's an addition to your dictionary.)

Detestable (adjective): software that isn't testable.

Law Of Demos

The chances of a demo going wrong are directly proportional to the importance of the audience.

by Martin Fowler

24 Apr 2011

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Semantic Diffusion

I have the habit of creating Neologisms to describe the things I see in software development. It's a common habit amongst writers in this field, for software development still lacks much useful jargon. One of the problems with building a jargon is that terms are vulnerable to losing their meaning, in a process of semantic diffusion - to use yet another potential addition to our jargon.

by Martin Fowler

14 Dec 2006

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agile adoption dictionary bad things writing

Shu Ha Ri

Shu-Ha-Ri is a way of thinking about how you learn a technique. The name comes from Japanese martial arts (particularly Aikido), and Alistair Cockburn introduced it as a way of thinking about learning techniques and methodologies for software development.

by Martin Fowler

22 Aug 2014

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agile adoption dictionary process theory

Unforgiven Contract

At the end of the movie Unforgiven, Clint Eastwood's character needs to break out of town. He announces that if anyone tries to shoot him he'll kill him, then kill his family, and then burn their house down.

by Martin Fowler

18 Apr 2009

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Adjective: a technique, tool, or design idea that is clearly too ludicrously simple to be any good, but when you start using it has a power that belies its simplicity.

by Martin Fowler

3 Aug 2004

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YAaaS: Yet Another as a Service

These days everything seems to need to be “as a service”, so we need a meta-term for this linguistic trend. My thanks to my colleague Birgitta Böckeler for coming up with one. So now we can say things like “FaaS is a YAaaS for 'Function'”.

by Martin Fowler

16 Jun 2016

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