tagged by: front-end

Micro Frontends

Good frontend development is hard. Scaling frontend development so that many teams can work simultaneously on a large and complex product is even harder. In this article we'll describe a recent trend of breaking up frontend monoliths into many smaller, more manageable pieces, and how this architecture can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of teams working on frontend code. As well as talking about the various benefits and costs, we'll cover some of the implementation options that are available, and we'll dive deep into a full example application that demonstrates the technique.

by Cam Jackson

19 Jun 2019

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application architecture front-end microservices

GUI Architectures

Graphical User Interfaces provide a rich interaction between the user and a software system. Such richness is complex to manage, so it's important to contain that complexity with a thoughtful architecture. The Forms and Controls pattern works well for systems with a simple flow, but as it breaks down under the weight of greater complexity, most people turn to “Model-View-Controller” (MVC). Sadly MVC is one of the most misunderstood architectural patterns around, and systems using that name display a range of important differences, sometimes described under names like Application Model, Model-View-Presenter, Presentation Model, MVVM, and the like. The best way to think of MVC is as set of principles including the separation of presentation from domain logic and synchronizing presentation state through events (the observer pattern).

by Martin Fowler

18 Jul 2006

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design application architecture front-end

Modularizing React Applications with Established UI Patterns

Established UI patterns are often underutilized in the frontend development world, despite their proven effectiveness in solving complex problems in UI design. This article explores the application of established UI building patterns to the React world, with a refactoring journey code example to showcase the benefits. The emphasis is placed on how layering architecture can help organize the React application for improved responsiveness and future changes.

by Juntao QIU | 邱俊涛

16 Feb 2023

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application architecture front-end

Design Token-Based UI Architecture

Design tokens are design decisions as data and serve as a single source of truth for design and engineering. Utilizing deployment pipelines, they enable automated code generation across platforms, allowing for faster updates and improved consistency in design. Organizing tokens in layers—progressing from available options to tokens that capture how they are applied—ensures scalability and a better developer experience. Keeping option tokens (e.g. color palettes) private reduces file size and supports non-breaking changes. These benefits make design tokens particularly well-suited for organizations with large-scale projects, multi-platform environments or frequent design changes.

by Andreas Kutschmann

12 Dec 2024

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Data Fetching Patterns in Single-Page Applications

When a single-page application needs to fetch data from a remote source, it needs to do so while remaining responsive and providing feedback to the user during an often slow query. Five patterns help with this. Asynchronous State Handler wraps these queries with meta-queries for the state of the query. Parallel Data Fetching minimizes wait time. Fallback Markup specifies fallback displays in markup. Code Splitting loads only code that's needed. Prefetching gathers data before it may needed to reduce latency when it is.

by Juntao QIU | 邱俊涛

29 May 2024

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Headless Component: a pattern for composing React UIs

As React UI controls become more sophisticated, complex logic can get intertwined with the visual representation. This makes it hard to reason about the behavior of the component, hard to test it, and necessary to build similar components that need a different look. A Headless Component extracts all non-visual logic and state management, separating the brain of a component from its looks.

by Juntao QIU | 邱俊涛

7 Nov 2023

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Test-Driving HTML Templates

When building a server-side rendered web application, it is valuable to test the HTML that's generated through templates. While these can be tested through end-to-end tests running in the browser, such tests are slow and more work to maintain than unit tests. Unit tests, written in the server-side environment, can check for valid HTML, and extract elements with CSS selectors to test the details of generated HTML. These test cases can be defined in a simple data structure to make them easier to understand and enhance. Browser testing tools are still needed to unit test the behavior of the generated HTML, together with the associated CSS and JavaScript.

by Matteo Vaccari

5 Jun 2024

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Refactoring with Codemods to Automate API Changes

Refactoring is something developers do all the time—making code easier to understand, maintain, and extend. While IDEs can handle simple refactorings with just a few keystrokes, things get tricky when you need to apply changes across large or distributed codebases, especially those you don’t fully control. That’s where codemods come in. By using Abstract Syntax Trees (AST), codemods allow you to automate large-scale code changes with precision and minimal effort, making them especially useful when dealing with breaking API changes. This article looks at how codemods can help manage these challenges, with practical examples like removing feature toggles or refactoring complex React components. We’ll also discuss potential pitfalls and how to avoid them when using codemods at scale.

by Juntao QIU | 邱俊涛

22 Jan 2025

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refactoring API design front-end

Organizing Presentation Logic

Narrative overview of patterns in user interfaces. Discusses how and why to separate domain logic from the presentation and how layers of data are separated and synchronized.

Two Stack CMS

We build many websites with rich content, often using popular Content Management Systems (CMS). A recent project involved a marketing website for a global manufacturer which demanded complex interactive content with high availability and traffic needs. Our response was to apply the editing-publishing separation pattern and build two distinct stacks of software for content creation and delivery. In this deck you can see an overview of this architecture and our response to the issues of integration between the stacks, providing a secure preview of the live site, and handling the evolution and scaling of the system.

by Sunit Parekh and Martin Fowler

6 Oct 2014

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application architecture front-end infodecks

Demo Front-End

Have you ever attended a “demo” where developers were proudly showing screen after screen of JSON output from their API, while users were confused and distracted, unable to make any sense of it? Have you ever tried to use an API in development, and been frustrated by how difficult it is to find the correct JSON payload and header incantations to be able to test a feature? A Demo Front-End is a simple UI that provides basic features to demonstrate and explore such an API.

by Matteo Vaccari

23 Aug 2023

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testing front-end

Keystone Interface

Software development teams find life can be much easier if they integrate their work as often as they can. They also find it valuable to release frequently into production. But teams don't want to expose half-developed features to their users. A useful technique to deal with this tension is to build all the back-end code, integrate, but don't build the user-interface. The feature can be integrated and tested, but the UI is held back until the end until, like a keystone, it's added to complete the feature, revealing it to the users.

Presentation Domain Separation

One of the most useful design principles that I've found and followed is that of keeping a good separation between the presentation aspects of a program (the user interface) and the rest of the functionality. Over the years where I've seen this done, I've seen plenty of benefits:

by Martin Fowler

9 Oct 2003

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application architecture front-end

Trans Media Application

Mobile applications have been a hot item in software development over the past couple of years. Like many software delivery companies, Thoughtworks get a lot of requests from clients asking us to build a mobile application for them. However most of the time a company asks us (or anyone) to build a mobile application they are starting off on the wrong foot. I'd argue that for most situations, even though you want users to interact with a mobile device, you should never think of building a mobile application. Instead you need to think about building a single application that presents across multiple devices: mobile, desktop, tablet - or whatever device your users might use.

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