Dsl Exceptionalism
22 December 2008
One of the tricky things about writing about external DomainSpecificLanguages is that I'm walking through territory already heavily tracked by the programming languages community. Programming language research has always been a popular area of academic activity, and I'm the first to admit that I don't have anywhere near the depth in this topic as many people who've been studying in this space for years. So inevitably the question comes up as to why such a noob as me thinks he can write a book in this well trodden ground?
The primary reason is that nobody else has written a practitioner-oriented book on DSLs. I like topics like this that are well-trodden but not well written about. However as I've spent time walking these pathways I think there's another factor in the works.
There's a lot of work on programming languages out there, but almost all of it has concentrated on general purpose programming languages. DSLs are seen as a small and simple subset of general purpose programming thinking. As a result people think that what's true for general purpose languages is also true for DSLs (with the implication that DSLs are too small to be worth thinking much about).
I'm increasingly of the opposite conclusion. The rules for DSLs are different to the rules for general purpose languages - and this applies on multiple dimensions.
The first is in language design. I was talking with a language designer who I have a lot of respect for, and he stressed that a key feature of languages was the ability to define new abstractions. With DSLs I don't think this is the case. In most DSLs the DSL chooses the abstraction you work with, if you want different abstractions you use a different DSL (or maybe extend the DSL you're using). Sometimes there's a role for new abstractions, but those cases are the minority and when they do happen the abstractions are limited. Indeed I think the lack of ability to define new abstractions is one of the things that distinguishes DSLs from general purpose languages.
Differences also occur in the approach that you use for implementing the tools that go with languages. A constant issue for general purpose languages is dealing with large inputs, since realistic programs will have thousands or millions of lines of code. As a result many tools and techniques for using them involve aspects that make parsing harder to follow but support these large inputs. DSL scripts tend to be much smaller, so these trade-offs work differently.
In my work I've put a lot of emphasis on using a DSL to populate a Semantic Model, using that model as the basis for any further processing: interpretation, visualization, or code generation. Lots of language writing I've seen tend to emphasize code generation, often generating code directly from the grammar file. Intermediate representations are not talked about much, and when they do appear they more in the form of an Abstract Syntax Tree rather than a semantic model. Serious compilers do use intermediate representations, such as program dependence graphs, but these are seen (rightly) as advanced topics. I think Semantic Models are a really valuable tool in simplifying the use of a DSL, allowing you to separate the parsing from the semantics.
Since DSLs are less expressive, you can design a simpler language for them. Much of the language community's writing talks about how to handle the difficulties of a complex general purpose language, while the challenge of DSLS is to write a language that is readable to the intended audience (which may well include non-programmers) and also should be easy to parse (to simplify the maintenance of the parser). Not just does this lead to different decisions on the design of a language, it also means that you only really need a subset of the features of parser generators.
A consequence of this is DSLs are written with the expectation that each individual DSL won't solve the whole problem at hand and often you need to combine DSLs. Traditional language thinking hasn't explored the idea of composable languages that much, but I think this topic is very important as DSLs develop. Thinking about composable languages should have significant effects on both language design and language tools.
So I'm increasingly coming around to the thinking that DSLs inspire some seriously different ways of thinking about programming languages. It may also lead to developing different kinds of parsing tools that are more suited for DSL work - usually tools that are simpler. I hope the increased attention that DSLs are getting these days will lead to more people treating DSLs as first class subjects of study rather than a simplistic form of general purpose languages.