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Bottleneck #06: Onboarding

Onboarding; Too long for new hires to reach full effectiveness

23 January 2024

Photo of Tim Cochran

Tim Cochran is a Technical Director, and head of Thoughtworks' Digital Scaleup Studio. Tim has over 20 years of experience leading work across startups and large enterprises in various domains such as retail, financial services, and government. He advises organizations on technology strategy and making the right technology investments to enable digital transformation goals. He is a vocal advocate for the developer experience and passionate about using data-driven approaches to improve it.

Photo of Premanand Chandrasekaran

Premanand (Prem) Chandrasekaran is an author and Technical Director at Thoughtworks. He has over 25 years of experience leading work across large and small enterprises in a variety of domains such as banking, finance, healthcare, retail, travel, and others. He specializes in the application of iterative methods and the buildout of large scale distributed systems. He recently co-authored a book on how to apply the principles of domain-driven design to elegantly solve complex business problems.

How did you get into the bottleneck?

A growing startup commonly underinvests in its onboarding process. The need to scale up headcount rapidly can come about unexpectedly. An event can trigger the team scaling – perhaps the product took off with customers, or the startup acquired a company or pivoted in a new product direction. Quickly, plans change to how many people the startup now needs to achieve their new goals, the recruiting team starts interviewing and making offers. With added pressure, you don’t take time to optimize the onboarding process. If an effective onboarding system wasn’t already in place, the new employees are dropped into teams, assigned some tasks, and left to figure out how to become productive for themselves. It’s particularly problematic if team members aren’t collaboratively helping the new employee get up to speed, there's no onboarding documentation, the code is impossible to read, or the product goals and KPIs unclear. Then new employees can become lost, dissatisfied and underproductive. In this article we will explore signs that your company is bottlenecked by an ineffective onboarding process, and the best practice solutions we have seen work at Thoughtworks Scaleup Studio.

In addition to onboarding new hires, the process is utilized when reorganizing teams. The studio believe the ability to learn, fail fast and refocus is a important skill for successful scaling. A nimble startup will pivot as it responds to learnings and landscape changes, this involves changing product team goals and reassigning resources to best target the new goals. To do this easily, we need the ability for the reassigned team members to get up to speed quickly. Most of the capabilities in this article, will also apply to reorganizing.

Onboarding is a key business process

Onboarding is often seen as merely granting access and doing a set of administrative tasks before handing new employees to their manager and team. It's not thought of as an end-to-end business process. But a well-run onboarding process addresses social and cultural integration and facilitates collaboration among the different functions that a new employee has to interact with. The onboarding process typically involves human resources, engineering management, legal, IT Operation, security, and product team members. Spanning so many groups means it can be very disjointed. Optimizing the process is difficult because often no one owns the whole process, and you must bring all the different players together.

Software leaders put a lot of effort into shaping hiring plans and supporting recruiting efforts, but often neglect to give much thought to how new employees will become effective. We believe this to be a mistake, as effective onboarding acts as a “multiplier effect” for new hires.

From a clinical perspective, what is the value of a new employee? Without proper onboarding, new hires will only exhibit a fraction of their value and productivity, some as low as 50%. With an ROI at this level, you are less likely to achieve your intended goals. Leaders are forced to do additional hiring, which will increase organization complexity and workload for managers. To avoid this, we recommend putting the same amount of effort into optimizing onboarding as you would hiring new employees.

In our opinion the onboarding process doesn’t end after a week or a month – it keeps going until the person is fully productive. As soon as someone accepts an offer, the onboarding process begins, followed by a robust new hire orientation, receiving of laptops and access to appropriate systems. It continues after they join their team, as they carry out their duties for the first time, build relationships with their team members and managers, and develop habits around their common tasks. The last phase of onboarding enables an employee to reach full productivity, where they can contribute to the team creatively, teach others and contribute back into the onboarding process. This timeline is dependent on role, domain and complexity.

Optimal onboarding timeline

To gauge how you are doing, this table represents what we observe to be optimal timelines for a developer onboarding. We will explain the concepts mentioned here further in the rest of the article:

MilestoneCompleted By
Access to all HR and administrative systemsDay one
Access to workstation and personal development environment is setup with necessary toolsDay one
Company mission and business goals are explained and discussedDay two
Complete a push to production for a trivial change, assisted by peerDay three
Manager has set expectations with employee and given them an OKRWeek one
Paired with colleague on developing a real feature all the way to production and performed defect resolutionWeek two
Understood key customer problems and internal operation processesWeek two
Developer: Able to be an “Anchor” on a storyWeek 3 - 5†
Developer: Able to lead support callsWeek 5 - 7†

† depending on complexity and experience

Signs you are approaching a scaling bottleneck

New people cannot access tools and systems

Most new joinees usually come with a sense of excitement and anticipation about their new assignment, eager to prove themselves in their new environment. Having to wait for access to basic resources like the work laptop, source control, team documentation portals, test environments, software licenses, etc. can dampen the spirits of even the most enthusiastic candidates. Not knowing which systems to get access to and having to chase specific individuals to find out how can be very frustrating.

To spot these delays you can monitor the steps new employees are taking. Keep an eye on the number of tickets opened and the amount of time it takes to resolve these tickets.

New developers cannot make a production deployment

A quantifiable metric to use is how long it takes a new employee to write code, commit and deploy all the way to production. This should happen in the first week– ideally the first couple of days. It doesn’t have to be a complex task, it can be something very trivial. This metric is an indicator that the developer has their computer and development environment set up correctly and has everything they need to push to production independently. We find situations where a new developer has been in the company weeks or even months, and has not deployed anything to production.

Newcomers feel orphaned

Especially at startups, most managers are laser-focused on new initiatives, and they have more work than they can handle. It's easy to deprioritize integrating and bringing direct reports up to speed. New employees are left to figure out things on their own; learning systems, forming relationships, and how to get access to resources they need. Worse if they haven’t been given a clear goal, they may end up working on the wrong thing. The employee becomes an orphan, resulting in much lower productivity or quick attrition. Cultural problems like this are hard to spot. We recommend listening to your managers and feedback from new employees. Exit interviews are also valuable data.

Too much focus on individual work

When a startup scales by adding new employees, this can trigger a different mode of operation. It was a small team that built the initial product and technology platform. Each engineer was focused on building and supporting a part of the application, likely by themselves. With the expansion into a larger team, a problem we often observe is the tenured employees aren't dedicating enough time to onboarding the new employees – collaborating and pairing with new engineers, documenting how they work and explaining the reasons for technical decisions, etc. This makes onboarding very difficult.

With the expanded team size, objectives should not only focus on individual contributions, but should include how the product team as a whole is performing. When retrospecting the product team should ideally look for opportunities to help new hires become more productive. An anti-pattern we see is planning with individuals allocated to streams of work by themselves, as this removes the opportunity to transfer knowledge.

Not enough openness to change

When you hire new employees, they likely come with different experiences than the existing team (especially if you are hiring outside of your personal network). They'll have different opinions and viewpoints. Too often we see companies not taking advantage of this. A typical situation is that the startup likely has a team of “old hands” that have found a way to work, have their own idiosyncrasies, and there is a history to every decision. The team is dogmatic in its approaches and shoots down the new ideas of the newcomer. This leaves the new hire feeling unempowered, and not appreciated.

Again this is cultural and hard to spot, but some anti-patterns to look out for are:

  • Current employees hogging the meeting, talking quickly, or not giving enough time for new employees to contribute or clarify.
  • Being overly protective of the status quo; shooting down ideas - “we tried that”, “it could never work here…”.
  • Back-channeling through unofficial channels; tenured employees might get work done through their established network doing them a “favor”, rather than through a documented process.

Seemingly simple things take too long

The effectiveness of your development environment for common tasks will be exposed when onboarding new employees. The friction may have already been felt by existing employees, but adding more magnifies the problem. Each new employee will have to learn how to solve common problems and discover workarounds. Examples might be flaky automated tests, inaccurate documentation, slow personal dev environment, environments that are out of date, or a slow dogmatic code review process. We can monitor some of these things by tracking low level metrics (e.g. CI build time, PR review time, unit test run time) and tech debt items that teams are highlighting as friction.

Fast turnover

Turnover rate of newcomers is a lagging indicator. There might be many reasons for a high turnover rate. However it's worth investigating. It could be related to your onboarding process. It could be that your new employees aren't being properly trained, and welcomed in the company. Your team should monitor the rate and how it's trending, supplement with surveys after 6 months and a year for new employees. You can then use the learnings to improve the onboarding process continually.

Documentation can't answer questions from new hires

New hires, especially lateral hires, usually know what needs to be done at a high level. However, idiosyncrasies of the new environment can get in the way of completing even mundane tasks. For example, not knowing the location of the source repositories or the base URL to the integration test environment. Well-structured onboarding documentation can help boost productivity, build confidence and generally provide a pleasant working experience. To continuously improve and keep the documentation up to date, new hires should be encouraged to find bugs in it and fix them.

We're releasing this article in installments. Future installments will explore how to deal with this bottleneck by discussing how to build a path to effectiveness, including new hires in the company culture, setting up personal environments, and how to remove friction from the onboarding process..

To find out when we publish the next installment subscribe to the site's RSS feed, Martin's Mastodon feed, and X (Twitter) stream.

How do you get out of the bottleneck?

When you are thinking about designing your onboarding process it's a good first step to think holistically about employee effectiveness. In the following solutions section we will describe how to create a path to effectiveness, an example of onboarding optimization applied at Checkr, and then some techniques we view as important.

Create a path to effectiveness

In maximizing developer effectiveness Tim talked about the idea of focusing on outcomes rather than outputs, and how engaged employees can create the most value for your business and your customer. Empowered employees aren't simply coding a requirement, designing to a spec, or creating features based on requests from a sales team. They're thinking creatively about the problem space, coming up with cost efficient, scalable and innovative solutions. Let’s look at what an empowered employee needs, and how onboarding might enable it:

All Employees


How onboarding enables it

Clear view of the company mission and business goals

Leaders should build excitement for the mission, outlining what led to its creation, what the future might hold, and how an employee can contribute to that. This should include a view of the current product strategy.

How does the company make money (or intend to)?

To instill a business sense and a focus on frugality, new employees should know how the company currently charges for their services, its profitability, and its level of investment.

Empathy for the customer’s experience

Set an expectation for all employees to think about the customer. We can emphasize this by a number of activities – observing the customer using the system, using the system as a customer (if possible), and reading prior research into customer problems.

An understanding for internal operations

Most software systems have different users (beyond the target customer). It’s important to understand all of those aspects, so that technologists can design solutions that make those internal users efficient. This is particularly important at scale

Business domain understanding

Many business domains are quite complex. Understanding happens over time, but we can start with overviews from an expert, and suggested readings

Working relationship with their team

In order to have open conversations about concerns and ideas new hires need a level of familiarity and vulnerability with their peers and manager. Onboarding should include activities to enable this. It's more difficult to do remotely, so we recommend teams getting together in person within the first few months of a new hire joining.

Clear understanding of their objectives

An empowered employee needs a purpose, they need to know what their company would like them to achieve, and how they'll be assessed towards that

Current team topologies

The new hire should have a clear understanding of the ownership of products and systems and whom they can talk to get information. An up-to-date org chart with where they sit in it's essential. Intentionally setting up some 1:1s during the first weeks is a good way to encourage communication across teams and functions.

How technology is leveraged

Every startup uses technology to innovate and scale, so all employees should have a base level of understanding. We don’t believe it’s effective to divide roles into ‘technical’ and 'non-technical'; some roles are just ‘more technical’ than others.

There will be role-specific needs. A developer needs know how to:



How onboarding enables it

Write code and push to production

An environment that's fully setup and working, with access to deploy, they're able to do it independently. The environment gives them confidence that it will find quality problems, and allow them to rollback safely.

Debug and fix production problems

Access to clear observability that spans systems. This should include documentation, runbooks and walkthrough videos of typical tasks.

Understand existing code, architecture, and dependencies

Effective knowledge management system, access to all source code repositories, access to dependent teams and knowledge transfer with teammates and SMEs .

Measure the progress of their solutions

Business and product analytics, and also technical metrics (performance, availability, cost, quality measures). It should include ability to experiment with solutions (prototypes, A/B tests) and access to qualitative feedback.

While this article is mostly aimed at developers, we can expand the concepts into other roles. A product manager might need:

Product Manager


How onboarding enables it

First-hand experience with customers

Start with an introduction to key customers. Also, product managers need the space to build relationships; we sometimes find that the founder wants to be the conduit, which can make it difficult to get unfiltered information.

Articulate current product strategy

A new product manager should be able to quickly understand the current strategy, the relevant signals, what the current product bets are, and if they're succeeding.

Find and access analytics

Ideally this is self-service and exploratory, rather than having to request reports. This includes product, behavioral, financial, marketing and sales metrics, and system performance metrics.

Learn from previous bets and inflection points

The product is currently designed a specific way for a number of specific reasons (which may not be obvious). In order to successfully evolve the product, it helps to know why it's the way it is.

Build experiment prototypes and “play around” in the system

Often product managers don’t have the access they need to use demo environments or the resources to create prototypes .

A designer might need to know how to:



How onboarding enables it

Access tooling to create lo-fi and hi-fi assets

In addition to the polished product, a designer should be able to easily create clickable prototypes, and be able to conduct user testing with them without much ceremony.

Find and use branding guidelines and design systems

To ensure consistency and make designing and implementing UIs easier, these should be accessible and well documented. The maturity of these systems will depend on the maturity of the startup, evolving from a shared design file to a living component library.

Discover previous user research

Recordings of previous user testing, interview documentation, and synthesized research output should be accessible and stored in a company knowledge base rather than in personal silos.

Perform A/B tests and access behavioral analytics

The user interface should be instrumented so that a designer can get as much insight as possible in a self-service way. A number of A/B testing frameworks allow for independent release and analysis without developer support for certain types of changes.

This list is an example and not intended to be exhaustive; we suggest you look at the objectives and the “jobs to be done” for your roles in the context of your company.

To illustrate how this works in reality, we are going to use the example of Checkr

Case Study: Checkr

Checkr, an HR technology company powering the future of work, partnered with Thoughtworks on scaling between 2018-2020. While working on their architecture, quality and platform engineering, Thoughtworks consultants noticed the effectiveness of Checkr’s onboarding process. When Checkr grew beyond the initial team, they invested in creating a structured onboarding process for all employees. The process was designed to build empathy for their customers, understand the business, and bring employees to productivity as quickly as possible. Regarded as a critical capability by Checkr leadership, their onboarding process allowed them to grow from 30 to 300 engineering staff. Despite their success, Checkr continues to evolve the process as they collect feedback, and try new ideas.

Cross-functional onboarding week to understand the mission, and build empathy

Each month, Checkr ran a week-long onboarding “bootcamp” for all new employees. The goal of the bootcamp was to provide employees a holistic understanding of the company and product by hearing from leadership and from other teams across Checkr. Members from other functions such as customer success, finance, product and engineering would review team processes and product use cases with the new employees.

Along with the cross functional overviews, new employees were given further opportunities to build customer empathy and understand the problem space that Checkr aimed to solve. New employees would go to the local courthouse to pull a record as part of a customer’s background check and sit in on a customer support call as the customer success representative used Checkr’s tools.

Initially, cohorts were around 20 people but grew over time. An additional benefit of the bootcamp was that new employees quickly built an internal network. Checkr’s Director of Engineering Krista Moroder said: “I still use the initial network I made - one of my onboarding buddies is still one of my first points of contact in the Legal department.”

After the bootcamp, they conducted a role-specific 2-day workshop followed by onboarding to their respective teams.

Path to productivity for a developer

The employee would have access to all the services and tools they need from day one. Engineers can set up their personal development environment with a script in a few hours. Checkr has a stated goal that a new employee should deploy on day one, but in actuality it changes team by team, on average it’s within the first week. They're currently moving from a laptop-based developer environment to a cloud based approach, with the aim to speed up onboarding, because of the added capacity and easier configuration management.

A lot of teams will use pair programming, which means a new employee can jump straight into pairing on whatever task is the focus. Krista talked about pair programming

“Thoughtworks was the catalyst for the pair programming on the team I originally led. The primary motivation was to reduce quality defects, reduce context switching, increase shared knowledge, improve cycle time, and keep people connected and engaged when we went full-remote during the pandemic. Teams use a model where engineers choose pairs for the day when the daily standup ends.”

At Checkr they use a “you build you run it” approach, where each developer is expected to support the systems their teams own. To learn how to do this, after 1-2 months of joining, a new developer will start by co-piloting the on-call support with a colleague. They can typically resolve a problem independently after 2 months for an internal product, or 3-6 months for a consumer product, depending on seniority. For Krista “a productivity indicator is that their manager or a tenured developer trusts the new developer to solve complex issues end to end.”

Quality Awards and Learning Weeks

Onboarding is partly about the activities that happen when someone joins, it's also about the creating a culture that leads people to effectiveness. Checkr wanted to encourage a continuous learning culture, the company has run participant-led “Learning Weeks” 2-3 times a year, each time with the intention to focus on a different capability, like infrastructure or quality, for a week. Surveys are run before the camps, to understand current gaps in knowledge. These weeks provide a chance to learn from peers. In an ideal world, everyone would share expertise continually. But in a busy startup, that doesn’t always happen. Learning Weeks set the intention, and helps people become comfortable with asking for help and sharing knowledge.

An important part of Checkr’s regular all hands is the Quality Awards, where individuals are nominated by their peers and recognized for their contributions. Instead of just celebrating typical milestones like product launches, people are recognized for excellence in documentation, testing, deprecation and refactoring. This emphasizes a culture of building excitement around high technical quality, and of peer support.

Beyond the initial onboarding period, the team sends surveys regularly to assess the whole process. This helps them monitor whether their processes are effective and have set a foundation for success in the company.

Include new hires in the company culture

Bringing in new people to a startup carries the opportunity for greater diversity in thoughts and ideas. The experience and knowledge of new hires will make our products better, technologies more innovative and processes more efficient. To be able to really leverage those new hires does require work from the current team to integrate them properly. It's difficult for a new hire to connect and contribute to the existing team without the right environment. The existing social capital and prestige of the existing team is intimidating. If we can encourage the new employees’ voices, they’ll be able to speak up and suggest new ideas without fear of being shot down.

Creating this safe and vulnerable space is difficult. From day one, starting with new hire orientation, the new employee should feel like they're part of the company’s mission and can contribute to its evolution. Leaders can start by setting an example in how they interact and set the principles of the company. It'll come down to individual interactions. We recommend instilling a culture of being mindful to others, being aware of how others are acting and feeling, especially during the onboarding period.

Nail the post-offer and first-day experience

It's said that you never get a second chance to make a first impression, and this certainly applies to onboarding. Onboarding starts with the first interview. The way interviewers interact with candidates will begin to set a precedent for how they perceive the company’s culture and how they should behave. From then on, the experiences on the first day, first week, first month and beyond matter and will have a tremendous influence on whether they'll succeed and be happy.

Therefore, the time leading up to the first day of employment can be very critical. Once the candidate accepts the offer, make sure that there's a clear point of contact (preferably an email group instead of an individual) for the new employee to seek clarification.

All the tools an employee needs should be available via self-service and accessible on day one. No one wants to spend the first few weeks playing “whack-a-mole” creating tickets for all the permissions they need – This includes having IT systems that auto-enroll employees with benefits, performance tracking, payroll and knowledge repositories.

An onboarding checklist can be a useful way to guide employees on their first day. For example, at Thoughtworks new hires are given their own Trello board with onboarding tasks. All tasks have step-by-step instructions and contact information for further assistance, and are prioritized in the order they should be completed. This gives new hires a ready reckoner to complete basic tasks like setting up direct deposits to their salary account, and also more complex ones like setting up their work laptop. In addition, it allows them to track how they're progressing against common tasks all on their own and how to seek out help.

Figure 1: Thoughtworks’ onboarding checklist

New hires are assigned an onboarding buddy to help them through it. To make this even more seamless, we have a “First Year Experience” chat group where new and seasoned employees alike pose questions and get help. It's not uncommon for even long-tenured employees to continue using it for several months after they join and is quoted as one of the most liked aspects of the overall onboarding process.

Invest in self-service knowledge management

It's surprising how much proprietary knowledge can be quickly accumulated. Ideas or approaches might be well understood from earlier sessions, but never written down. If we don’t take the time to document things, it can make the first months frustrating for new employees. We subscribe to the agile principle of “Working software over comprehensive documentation”; software code should be readable but there's still a need for some targeted documentation. Best practices include:

  • Up-to-date succinct technical documentation around libraries, API, dependencies and integrations – A feedback loop to the technical owners dramatically improves the usefulness and freshness of documentation.
  • A taxonomy and a central search for documentation, to minimize the amount of time to find information
  • Shared principles and practices: an understanding of how a team typically operates helps a new employee adjust to a new culture.
  • A record of historical technical and product decisions allows for greater context behind thought processes.
  • Write-up of post-mortems of degradation of service. All problems are learning opportunities, and documenting the problem and mitigation helps avoid future problems.

Thoughtworks’ Sensible Defaults

Over the years, Thoughtworks has accumulated a set of practices, patterns, guidelines and a collection of general good advice that has made us successful. Localized design-making and autonomy is key to Thoughtworks’ culture, but we wanted to provide a “paved road” for lateral employees to start from. This includes defaults for various faculties such as developers, architects, business analysts, product managers, program managers, and executive stakeholders. Each of these also have their respective chat, email groups and communities where anyone can ask questions, solicit feedback, share ideas and challenge the status quo.

The development sensible defaults include a documentation around a number of key practices. Some examples include

Frequent and continuous integration

Test Driven Development (TDD)

Pair development

Build security in

Fast and verified automated build

Automated deployment pipeline

Early and continuous deployment

Quality and debt effectively managed

Build for production

Fast Feedback

Fast feedback means being able to find out whether a change has been successful in moments not days. It might be that unit tests have passed, or that we haven't broken production, or that a customer is happy with what we've built.


Repeatability is the confidence and predictability that comes from removing manual tasks that introduce weird inconsistencies. We also want to spend time on activities that are more important than troubleshooting something that should have just worked


We want software that contains no more complexity than it needs to do a good job. We build for what we need now, not what we think might be coming. But we make choices that allow our software to rapidly change to meet the requirements that are coming.

↑ Deployment Frequency


↓ Lead Time for changes

↓ Deployment Frequency

Pair programming as a critical onboarding technique

Thoughtworks teams often earn praise from our client stakeholders for how fast we can get up to speed to work on existing code, and quickly learn the business domain. The (not-so) secret to this is Pair Programming, Thoughtworks loosely follows Extreme Programming techniques adapted to the client context, pairing is a key technique. When we onboard a new member to the team they'll spend time with the product manager to learn the product goals and business context. They'll then start pair programming with existing members of the team straight away, on building real functionality. To learn other areas of the code base they'll rotate through different members of the team on different stories.

From our startup project experience, we find pair programming during onboarding accelerates knowledge transfer and introduces a learning culture. Other advantages are that it creates team norms on code style and quality, builds trust and vulnerability between team mates, and creates a collective code ownership. While you can achieve these things in other ways, pair programming in our opinion is the fastest and most effective way. These techniques can also be applied to other disciplines e.g. pairing on design, product strategy and management.

Personal Environment Setup

It's not enough to give a developer a set of installation instructions to set up the environment and have them figure it out. Ideally the personal environment should have everything the developer needs to deploy to production and to be able to debug. It should either be pre-installed or installed via a few operations. The first week is a good time for a manager or teammate to pair on performing the first deployment. Pairing this way means they get to build relationships and they can see the friction a new employee experiences. A good practice is doing a trivial task, to demonstrate that the environment and deployment pipelines work. For example, Etsy uses deploying your photo to their team page as an onboarding task.

Depending on your environment, it might be created with a company-wide image or script, with some customization for your team and department. Typically the most effective way is for the developer to have a functionally equivalent copy of production with synthetic or obfuscated data. As a team grows, the environment likely becomes too complex and expensive to give every developer a copy; at that point the personal environment should be based on the services and UIs of the business domain where the team works.

The location of the personal environment might be the user's laptop or a cloud environment. The decision is based on a number of factors– speed of development being the most important, but environmental differences, privacy, and compliance are other factors. Our teams have found that if you are using a lot of cloud services (e.g. functions as a service), it might be better to run your personal environment in the cloud using the real services, rather than using development versions locally or stubs. It's a trade-off the team will have to decide. Keeping everything away from personal laptops also helps with data security.

Remove friction from the onboarding process

Friction in the onboarding process is defined as anything needless an employee has to do, or any process that is unnecessarily slow or bureaucratic. One team can't wholly own onboarding – it's not a single process. Onboarding needs intense partnership and buy-in among your HR, recruiting, IT, learning and development, leadership, recruiting and team peers. Many people with specific responsibilities across the organization need to play their part in the process.

We’ve found the details matter here – you can include things like an automated survey they get at the end of their first week or a script that auto-assigns mandatory training in the learning management system. The more you automate, the more you can guarantee what the new hire experience will look like. However, not everything can be automated, and there needs to be a clearly defined process where everyone knows their part of the process.

Continuously Improving the process

Onboarding is a cross functional activity with many stakeholders. Generally, there's a need to centrally coordinate across these functions to create a unified message and consistent experience. At Thoughtworks, we have a First Year Experience team comprised of operations team members dedicated part-time to creating and executing effective onboarding experiences. They're both the stewards of the content - ensuring key messages stay aligned with current business direction - but also facilitate orientation and other onboarding activities. For a smaller startup, this coordination and execution could be managed as a part-time responsibility of a manager from the operations department.

As we have previously mentioned in our product vs engineering article, the value of functional managers operating as a team to achieve a holistic outcome also applies to the onboarding process. If you are about to ramp up soon or you have had indicators that onboarding is not effective, we recommend creating a working group to focus on the process and optimizing. Figuring out the process and content will have the added benefit of giving you better clarity into what you're doing.

There are distinct parts that should be owned. Making sure your new employees understand the vision is part of the leadership and often the founder’s responsibility. With scale it would be codified. In any case, the founder should still find ways to personally remind folks of the mission. Creating the new hire bootcamp or setting the first week experience, would involve a lot of different participants, but run by someone from operations (the co-ordinator).

To continuously improve, someone should be responsible for capturing and dispersing feedback – if some documentation isn’t clear, or if a system isn’t fully self-serve, those improvement tasks need to be tracked and completed, and this would likely be managed by the “co-ordinator”. Feedback can be gathered through surveys from new hires (we recommend surveys after 3-6 months) and from canvassing opinions from the line managers that are incorporating new hires into their teams.

A trap we often see when removing friction is “​​papering over the cracks”. If something is proving difficult to newcomers, remember to look for a root cause. For example, if an architecture is hard to understand it could be that it's documented badly, or it might be fragmented or overly complicated.

In addition to qualitative feedback there are some quantitative measures (mentioned in the signs section) that are useful. These are mostly going to be output based: Can the new employees use the tools and complete the jobs required of them? These aren’t going to tell you much about the value they're creating for the customer or the quality of the code or design, but nevertheless they can help to spot friction in the process and environment. It's better to use these metrics as aggregates for your engineering organization, and to track trends over time, rather than for individual performance:

  • Time to first commit to production
  • When does an employee go on-call by themselves
  • Time to 10th valuable commit
  • First customer interview for a product manager
  • First validated experiment by a designer

Investing into the onboarding process

Phase 1


A small close knit team, no need for a formal onboarding process

Record product and technical designs, useful for future employee understanding

Phase 2

Getting Traction

Creation of an onboarding program, by a cross-functional team led by operations

Automate workstations setup, environment creation, creates CD pipelines.

Establish self-serve knowledge management approach encompassing tech, product and business

Create sensisble default practises

Phase 3

(Hyper) Growth

Establish processes around laptop procurement, employee feedback, exit interviews, automatic onboarding to HR systems.

Implement continuous improvement program to empower teams to remove day to day friction

Platform team dedicated to developer experience, KPIs includes time to first deploy

Phase 4


Dedicated staff to handle onboarding process and it's continual optimization.

Consolidate disparate bodies of knowledge

Continued leadership involvement in onboarding, to inspire new hiring batches


  • Onboarding is a key business process. Employees without a proper introduction to your company’s tools, system and culture won’t be productive. Investing in the onboarding process can be a catalyst for growth.
  • Time before first production deployment is a key indicator for developer onboarding time, and the general effectiveness of your development environment.
  • By default, new employees should have access to all tools they need, and should be able to self-serve everything they need to do the requirements on their job.
  • Create an onboarding checklist that is continuously improved over time.
  • Continuously improve – monitor your onboarding process by gathering feedback from new hires, and use to find optimizations.
  • Immerse new employees into the company mission by providing business context, domain knowledge, access to customer research, and building an understanding of internal operations.
  • Help new employees integrate into your culture and try to leverage the new experiences and viewpoints they have.


This article was ideated and iterated on with many of our collageues across Thoughtworks. Many thanks to Martin Fowler, Amy Ludwig, Kevin Sella, Stefania Stefansdottir, Birinder Singh, Melissa Newman, Ariel Martinez, Michelle Jewell, Brandon Byers and Vanessa Towers.

Special thanks to the stories shared by Krista Moroder and Gabe Westmaas at Checkr.

Significant Revisions

23 January 2024: Published getting into and signs