example from refactoring the javascript video store
function statement(customer, movies, format = 'text') { const dispatchTable = { "text": textStatement, "html": htmlStatement }; if (undefined === dispatchTable[format]) throw new Error(`unknown statement format ${format}`); return dispatchTable[format].call(); function htmlStatement() { let result = `<h1>Rental Record for <em>${}</em></h1>\n`; result += "<table>\n"; for (let r of { result += ` <tr><td>${movieFor(r).title}</td><td>${amountFor(r)}</td></tr>\n`; } result += "</table>\n"; result += `<p>Amount owed is <em>${totalAmount()}</em></p>\n`; result += `<p>You earned <em>${totalFrequentRenterPoints()}</em> frequent renter points</p>\n`; return result; } function textStatement() { let result = `Rental Record for ${}\n`; for (let r of { result += `\t${movieFor(r).title}\t${amountFor(r)}\n`; } result += `Amount owed is ${totalAmount()}\n`; result += `You earned ${totalFrequentRenterPoints()} frequent renter points\n`; return result; } function totalFrequentRenterPoints() { return .map((r) => frequentRenterPointsFor(r)) .reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) ; } function totalAmount() { return .reduce((total, r) => total + amountFor(r), 0); } function movieFor(rental) { return movies[rental.movieID]; } function amountFor(rental) { let result = 0; switch (movieFor(rental).code) { case "regular": result = 2; if (rental.days > 2) { result += (rental.days - 2) * 1.5; } return result; case "new": result = rental.days * 3; return result; case "childrens": result = 1.5; if (rental.days > 3) { result += (rental.days - 3) * 1.5; } return result; } return result; } function frequentRenterPointsFor(rental) { return (movieFor(rental).code === "new" && rental.days > 2) ? 2 : 1; } } export default statement;