Errata for UML Distilled (Second Edition)

The second edition of UML Distilled has now been replaced with the 3rd edition which brings the book up to date with UML 2.

Serious Error in the 7th printing. There seems to be a font substitution error in the 7th printing of UML Distilled. This caused several "*" characters to be rendered as "]" in several of the diagrams. This is particularly important (not say embarrassing) because "*" is a multiplicity maker on diagrams. As far as I know figures 7-4, 7-5, 7-6, and 9-4 are the diagrams affected. This is only a problem with the 7th printing, the earlier ones are fine.

Page 2: First paragraph, line 7, "the the Rational Unified Process" only needs one definite article

Page 6: In the first para the phrase "that shows the relationship among associations and generalizations" should be replaced by "that shows the relationship among features"

Page 38: In bullet Cockburn "book managing" should read "book on managing".

Page 61: In 3rd para "types may exist" should read "subtypes may exist".

Page 62: In 1st para "an informal english" should read "informal english"..

Page 62: In 2nd para "rules should be implemented" should read "constraints should be implemented"..

Page 70: In figure 5-2 all the half arrowheads should be half stick arrowheads (as in the messages labelled "new")

Page 87: In figure 6-7 the component Point classes should not have their names in bold and should have a leading ":"

Page 102: Figure 6-19: Employees should be singular

Page 108: In the 4th para the sentence "If a class changes its interface, any message it sends may no longer be valid" should read "If a class changes its interface, any message sent to it may no longer be valid"

Page 120: Last paragraph: "All three have only guards" should read "All three have only guards or actions"

Page 122: Figure 8-2, the transition from Checking to Cancelled is missing its "cancelled" event, and the transition from Dispatching to Delivered is missing its "Delivered" event.

Page 123: Figure 8-3, the transition from Dispatching to Delivered is missing its "Delivered" event

Page 123: last line "temparature" should be "temperature"

Page 124: 3rd paragraph, for consistency with Figure 8-1, the event should be "delivered" rather than "deliver"

Page 124: 4th paragraph, "a combination of the behaviours shown in Figure 8-1 and Figure 8-2" should be "a combination of the behaviours shown in Figure 8-1 and Figure 8-4".

Page 125: Figure 8-4, the transition from Authorized to Delivered is missing its "Delivered" event

Page 127: In the second paragraph "suprise" is a misspelled "surprise"

Page 149: Figure 11-3, "amount = 70 bpm" should be "amount = 90 bpm" to agree with the text and the fact that it's associated with the fast heart rate Phenomenon.

Page 151: In the first paragraph "A similar responsibility exists for Phenonmenon" should read "Patient has a similar responsibility for returning a Phenonmenon"

Page 165: In the activity diagram row "can show many objects over many uses" should read "can show many objects over many use cases".

Page 173 : In the fifth paragraph, line five, "...this means that each form must have a corresponding join..." should be "...this means that each fork must have a corresponding join..."

Many thanks to Fraser Ross, Daniel Ashton, Charles Brockman, George Kakarontzas, Wim Lambrecht, JP Martin-Flatin, Simon Perry, Wade Richards, Bruce White and others I've forgotten for spotting and telling me about these errors