Legacy Seam

4 January 2024

When working with a legacy system it is valuable to identify and create seams: places where we can alter the behavior of the system without editing source code. Once we've found a seam, we can use it to break dependencies to simplify testing, insert probes to gain observability, and redirect program flow to new modules as part of legacy displacement.

Michael Feathers coined the term “seam” in the context of legacy systems in his book Working Effectively with Legacy Code. His definition: “a seam is a place where you can alter behavior in your program without editing in that place”.

Here's an example of where a seam would be handy. Imagine some code to calculate the price of an order.

// TypeScript
export async function calculatePrice(order:Order) {
  const itemPrices = order.items.map(i => calculateItemPrice(i))
  const basePrice = itemPrices.reduce((acc, i) => acc + i.price, 0)
  const discount = calculateDiscount(order)
  const shipping = await calculateShipping(order)
  const adjustedShipping = applyShippingDiscounts(order, shipping)
  return basePrice + discount + adjustedShipping

The function calculateShipping hits an external service, which is slow (and expensive), so we don't want to hit it when testing. Instead we want to introduce a stub, so we can provide a canned and deterministic response for each of the testing scenarios. Different tests may need different responses from the function, but we can't edit the code of calculatePrice inside the test. Thus we need to introduce a seam around the call to calculateShipping, something that will allow our test to redirect the call to the stub.

One way to do this is to pass the function for calculateShipping as a parameter

export async function calculatePrice(order:Order, shippingFn: (o:Order) => Promise<number>) {
  const itemPrices = order.items.map(i => calculateItemPrice(i))
  const basePrice = itemPrices.reduce((acc, i) => acc + i.price, 0)
  const discount = calculateDiscount(order)
  const shipping = await shippingFn(order)
  const adjustedShipping = applyShippingDiscounts(order, shipping)
  return basePrice + discount + adjustedShipping

A unit test for this function can then substitute a simple stub.

const shippingFn = async (o:Order) => 113
expect(await calculatePrice(sampleOrder, shippingFn)).toStrictEqual(153)

Each seam comes with an enabling point: “a place where you can make the decision to use one behavior or another” [WELC]. Passing the function as parameter opens up an enabling point in the caller of calculateShipping.

This now makes testing a lot easier, we can put in different values of shipping costs, and check that applyShippingDiscounts responds correctly. Although we had to change the original source code to introduce the seam, any further changes to that function don't require us to alter that code, the changes all occur in the enabling point, which lies in the test code.

Passing a function as a parameter isn't the only way we can introduce a seam. After all, changing the signature of calculateShipping may be fraught, and we may not want to thread the shipping function parameter through the legacy call stack in the production code. In this case a lookup may be a better approach, such as using a service locator.

export async function calculatePrice(order:Order) {
  const itemPrices = order.items.map(i => calculateItemPrice(i))
  const basePrice = itemPrices.reduce((acc, i) => acc + i.price, 0)
  const discount = calculateDiscount(order)
  const shipping = await ShippingServices.calculateShipping(order)
  const adjustedShipping = applyShippingDiscounts(order, shipping)
  return basePrice + discount + adjustedShipping
class ShippingServices {
  static #soleInstance: ShippingServices
  static init(arg?:ShippingServices) {
    this.#soleInstance = arg || new ShippingServices()
  static async calculateShipping(o:Order) {return this.#soleInstance.calculateShipping(o)}
  async calculateShipping(o:Order)  {return legacy_calcuateShipping(o)}
  // ... more services

The locator allows us to override the behavior by defining a subclass.

class ShippingServicesStub extends ShippingServices {
  calculateShippingFn: typeof ShippingServices.calculateShipping =
     (o) => {throw new Error("no stub provided")}
  async calculateShipping(o:Order) {return this.calculateShippingFn(o)}
  // more services

We can then use an enabling point in our test

const stub = new ShippingServicesStub()
stub.calculateShippingFn = async (o:Order) => 113
expect(await calculatePrice(sampleOrder)).toStrictEqual(153)

This kind of service locator is a classical object-oriented way to set up a seam via function lookup, which I'm showing here to indicate the kind of approach I might use in other languages, but I wouldn't use this approach in TypeScript or JavaScript. Instead I'd put something like this into a module.

export let calculateShipping = legacy_calculateShipping

export function reset_calculateShipping(fn?: typeof legacy_calculateShipping) {
  calculateShipping = fn || legacy_calculateShipping

We can then use the code in a test like this

const shippingFn = async (o:Order) => 113
expect(await calculatePrice(sampleOrder)).toStrictEqual(153)

As the final example suggests, the best mechanism to use for a seam depends very much on the language, available frameworks, and indeed the style of the legacy system. Getting a legacy system under control means learning how to introduce various seams into the code to provide the right kind of enabling points while minimizing the disturbance to the legacy software. While a function call is a simple example of introducing such seams, they can be much more intricate in practice. A team can spend several months figuring out how to introduce seams into a well-worn legacy system. The best mechanism for adding seams to a legacy system may be different to what we'd do for similar flexibility in a green field.

Feathers's book focuses primarily on getting a legacy system under test, as that is often the key to being able to work with it in a sane way. But seams have more uses than that. Once we have a seam, we are in the position to place probes into the legacy system, allowing us to increase the observability of the system. We might want to monitor calls to calculateShipping, figuring out how often we use it, and capturing its results for separate analysis.

But probably the most valuable use of seams is that they allow us to migrate behavior away from the legacy. A seam might redirect high-value customers to a different shipping calculator. Effective legacy displacement is founded on introducing seams into the legacy system, and using them to gradually move behavior into a more modern environment.

Seams are also something to think about as we write new software, after all every new system will become legacy sooner or later. Much of my design advice is about building software with appropriately placed seams, so we can easily test, observe, and enhance it. If we write our software with testing in mind, we tend to get a good set of seams, which is a reason why Test Driven Development is such a useful technique.